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Current Citations in the Field


Listed here are current citations in the field.  Citations are listed alphabetically by the last name of author or editor. This listing is intended to update and supplement Levi 1994 (see Ordering information for Levi’s 1990 bibliography, Language and Law: A Bibliographic Guide to Social Science Research in the U.S.A.); only citations not included there are listed here. Bracketed identifiers match the subfields used in Levi 1994 and are given for works accessible to the editors. Authors’ summaries are included when available.

  • Ainsworth, Janet E. 1993. In a different register: The pragmatics of powerlessness in police interrogation, 103 Yale L. J. 259-322.[Deals with linguistic issues in Miranda doctrine (mainly sociolinguistic issues of speech register but also some speech act theory. (Janet Ainsworth is Associate Professor of Law, Seattle University). [II.A.3.a.]]
  • Berk-Seligson, Susan. 1990. The Bilingual Courtroom: Court Interpreters in the Judicial Process. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-04371-1 (alk. hb) 0-226-04373-8 (alk. paper) Chng, Huang Hoon. Forthcoming [projected completion date: December 1995]. Separate and unequal: The linguistic legitimation of legal ideology. Ph.D dissertation. University of Texas at Austin.  [Linguistics; supervisors are Joel Sherzer (Anthropology, Linguistics) and Keith Walters (Linguistics).] [AUTHOR’S SUMMARY]
  • Dry, Helen Aristar.  1995.  Ethics or Advocacy: The Linguist as Expert Witness. Paper presented at the Colloquium on Linguistics and Social Responsibility, American Association of Applied Linguistics. Long Beach, CA.  Mar. 28, 1995.   [II.E.2.]
  • Di Lucia, Paolo, and Uberto Scarpelli, ed. 1994. Il linguaggio del diritto [The language of law]. Milan, Italy: Lettere Economia Diritto.  [A bibliographical guide to a reader on the language of the law.]
  • Di Lucia, Paolo. 1995. Nomografia. Linguaggio e redazione delle leggi [Nomography. Language of law and legal drafting]. Milan, Italy: Giuffre. [A bibliographical note on the proceedings of a seminar on legal drafting held in Rome in 1991.]
  • Dumas, Bethany K. 1994. Humpty-Dumpty and the law: Definitions in the judicial process. TermNet News: Journal for international cooperation in terminology 45:21-23. [Reprinted from ASTM Standardization News 19:12:52-55 (1991).]  [IV.C.]
  • Eades, Diana. 1995. Language in Evidence: Issues Confronting Aboriginal and Multicultural Australia. Sydney, Austalia: University of New South Wales Press Ltd. ISBN 0 86840 119 6
  • Edwards, Alicia B. 1995. The Practice of Court Interpreting. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Pubolishing Company. ISBN 90 272 1602 9 (Eur.)/1-55619-683-0 (US) (HB;alk. paper) ISBN 90-272 1603 7 (Eur.)/1-55619684-9 (US) (Pb; alk. paper)
  • Hiltunen, Risto. 1990. Chapters on Legal English: Aspects Past and Present on the Language of thge Law. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia.  ISSN 0066-2011, ISBN 951-41-0615-6
  • Jackson, Bernard S. 1995. Making Sense in Law: Linguistic, Psychological and Semiotic Perspectives. Liverpool: Deborah Charles Publications.   ISBN 0-9513793-6-4 (cased) 0-9513793-7-2 (paperback)
  • Joseph, John E. Forthcoming [1995]. Integrational linguistics and the law.  Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Linguists. Quebec:  Universite Laval.
  • Matsuda, Mari J. 1991. Voices of America:  Accent, antidiscrimination law, and a jurisprudence for the last reconstruction. Yale Law Journal 100:1329-1407.   [Category TBA]
  • Morris, Marshall, ed. 1995. Translation and the Law:. American Translators Association Scholarly Monograph Series, Vol. VIII. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. ISSN 0890-4111/ISBN 90 272 3183 4 (Eur)/1-55619-627-X (USA)   [ CONTENTS ]
  • Nolt, John, Grayfred B. Gray, Bruce J. MacLennan, and Donald R. Ploch. 1995. A logic for Statutory Law. Jurimetrics Journal 35:121-151. [Editor’s Note: This article won the Loevinger Prize ($1,000) for the best article published in in Jurimetrics in 1995. The annual Prize is awarded by the editors, who administer a competition established by an interested attorney. The authors stipulated that the money would go to senior author John Nolt, who used it to fund an environmental justice project.
  • Stygall, Gail. 1995. Trial Language: Differential discourse processing and discursive formation.  Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1994. ISBN 90 272 5038 3 (Eur.)/ 1-55619-294-0 (US (alk. paper)