The IAFL invites submissions for its Third Biannual Conference to be held5-8 September 1997 at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, USA.We encourage submission of abstracts on research that addresses issuesrelated to language and law.
Professor Roger Shuy, Georgetown University, Emeritus
Professor Lawrence Solan, Brooklyn College of Law
Speakers will be scheduled to speak for 20 minutes, followed by 10minutes of discussion. Paper selection will be based on the ProgramCommittee’s evaluations of anonymous abstracts. Submissions should besent to the Program Committee Chair, Bethany K. Dumas at the addressbelow. Electronic submissions may be sent to If submittedas hard copy, please include a computer disk containing the abstract in a text (ASCII) file. Authors’ names, titles, institutional affiliations,and mailing addresses should be submitted with the abstract, but on aseparate page of the hard copy or ten lines below an electronicsubmission. Abstracts should be no longer than 500 words and should bereceived by the Program Committee Chair by 21 March 1997. Notification ofthe Committee’s decision will be mailed out by 15 April 1997.
Abstracts from the 1995 Conference in Armidale, Australia, may beviewed at or by accessingthe archives of the Language in the Judicial Process at Authors who will be unable to present their papers personally should specify a proxy who will both read the paper and respond to questions that follow.All presenters are expected to register for the conference.
ADVANCE registration fee: | $ 100 US |
Advance student registration fee | $ 70 US |
On-site registration fee | $ 135 US |
On-site student registration fee | $ 105 US |
Banquet | $ 35 US |
(All registrations includes three breakfasts, two lunches, and a reception.)
Registration fees should be sent in American dollars to:
Mr. Charles CarsonIAFL Conference Coordinator
Box 90018,
Durham, NC 27708-0018
(Those not residing in the USA can transmit funds in the form of a$100 travelers check made out to Duke University/IAFL Conference.Receipts will be mailed in return.
The conference will be hosted at the Washington Duke Inn, a luxuryhotel on the Duke University campus, featuring a four-diamondrestaurant and an 18-hole championship golf course. Those interested inattending the conference may contact the Planning Committee Chairat the address below.
Rooms are $98 US + 11% occupancy tax (for single or doubleoccupancy; $10 additional for each additional person, upto 4 in a room). A block of 40 rooms will be held at this rate until5 August 1997. If more than 40 people register prior to the deadline,they may receive our conference rate based on availability. Also,attendees can have the conference rate for up to two days before or afterthe conference — again, based on availability.
To make reservations, call, fax, or write the Washington Duke Inn. Mention the IAFL conference.
Washington Duke Inn & Golf Club
Program Committee Chair
3001 Cameron Blvd
Durham NC 27706
(919) 490-0999
Fax: (919) 688-0105
Reservations: (800) 443-3853The Washington Duke Inn is described at its web site:
Professor Bethany K. Dumas
Department of English
415 McClung Tower
University of Tennessee
Knoxville TN 37996-0430 USA
(e-mail: Committee Chair
Professor Ronald R. Butters
Program in Linguistics
Duke University
Box 90018
Durham NC 27708-0018 USA